New Here?

Visiting Immanuel Baptist Church

We’re glad you are thinking about visiting us! Regardless if you are new to Sacramento, curious about the Christian faith, or you have been invited by one of our members, we have put together some basic information to help serve you as you join with us in one of our weekly gatherings.

Lord’s Day Gatherings

  • 9:15 AM: Children’s Sunday School and Adult Discipleship Classes - our children’s classes are aimed at further exposing our kids to the teaching of the Scriptures and the promise of the gospel. Our adult discipleship classes serve to help us work out the practical implications of our faith and life together.

  • 10:30 AM: Morning Worship - our main gathering of the week where we hear and sing God's word and respond to him

  • 5:30 PM: Evening Worship - our evening gathering closes out the day as we gather again to sing of God’s worth, unite in prayer, and hear God’s word expounded.

Mid-Week Gathering

  • 6:30 PM: Prayer Meeting (2nd & 4th Wednesday) - a time of prayer and praise that focuses on our life together as God's family and our mission in the world.

  • 6:30 PM: Kid’s Club (2nd & 4th Wednesday) - During our Wednesday night prayer meetings there is a kids club for ages 3-10. Teachers use this opportunity to teach children who the Lord is and what He is doing in his great plan of salvation.


Immanuel Baptist Church
1424 24th St
Sacramento, CA 95816

Our corporate worship gatherings, prayer meetings, and Sunday School classes are held at the main church building.

We also have offices and occasional discipleship classes held across the street at 2418 O Street.


Directions & Parking

As parking in Midtown can often be challenging, you will want to plan ahead and take note of the various parking options:

  • Parking on the streets is free and there is also a pay-for-parking lot at 27th & N ($5 all day).

  • ​Limited free parking is available at the CLARA Raley Performing Arts Building across the street from the church building. (please read more info here)

  • For further questions, please ask an usher to assist you. They are usually standing at the entrance to our building on 24th Street.

Should you have any questions about our gatherings or need further help, please contact our church office at 916-444-6185 or email at